Regional Impact Assessment Statement

A Regional Impact Assessment Statement has now been independently prepared for Ceduna, Kangaroo Island and Port Wakefield to investigate the impacts of implementing the marine parks in these areas.

Read the Sanctuary Zones Regional Impact Assessment Statement: Ceduna, Kangaroo Island and Port Wakefield.

The commitment was made to prepare this report by 1 October 2015 to provide an early warning about any region wide impacts that might occur from the full implementation of fishing restrictions in marine park sanctuary zones which started on 1 October 2014.

The Report

The report was provided by the Goyder Institute for Water Research. As a partner of the Goyder Institute, the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) was engaged by the Goyder Institute as the independent experts to prepare the report. SACES is a joint research unit between the University of Adelaide and Flinders University.

The Government has carefully considered the findings of the report and acknowledges that no region wide impacts were discovered. The Government believes this demonstrates that the hard work done by Marine Park Local Advisory Groups, community members, stakeholder groups and Government agencies to develop the marine parks zoning is paying off.

The marine parks monitoring, evaluation and reporting programme will provide an on-going way to assess how marine parks are performing in preparation for the required 10 year review of management plans due to be completed in 2022.

Read the full Government response to the report.

Contact us

If you would like further information about the Regional Impact Assessment Statement, please contact National Parks and Wildlife Service via email.

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