Yorke Peninsula and Upper Spencer Gulf marine parks

Blue swimmer crab
The blue swimmer crab, a seasonal favourite with many South Australian fishers, has vital breeding grounds in the area covered by Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park.

Giant Australian cuttlefish
The giant Australian cuttlefish is an iconic species in the Upper Spencer Gulf. Point Lowly has traditionally seen an annual aggregation of the cuttlefish, which make a spectacular display by changing colour as they swim.

King George whiting
Nursery grounds for South Australia’s favourite fish, the King George whiting are found in many of these marine parks, including the Eastern Spencer Gulf Marine Park.

Often called the lungs of the ocean, mangroves are the building blocks of life for much of the seafood we enjoy from this region. They provide shelter for juvenile fish and birds and help to stabilise the entire marine environment in places like the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park.

Migratory shorebirds
More than 40 species of migratory shorebirds have been recorded on Troubridge Island in the Lower Yorke Peninsula Marine Park. The fragile sand island is an important feeding and nesting ground for species including black-faced cormorants, little penguins and crested terns.