Community management

The primary purpose of South Australia’s marine parks network is to protect our biodiversity. Effective compliance is vital for the success of the marine parks program. Community members are encourage to help manage marine parks by reporting illegal activities.

Illegal activities such as fishing in a sanctuary zone can be reported via:

The Fishwatch 24 hour hotline on 1800 065 522.
The free SA Recreational Fishing Guide App.

Other illegal activities such as dangerous boating activity, rubbish dumping or vehicles damaging dunes or saltmarsh can be reported via SAPOL on 131 444.

The Department for Environment and Water can be contacted directly for non urgent matters.

Customer Service Centre – Adelaide
Phone: (08) 8204 1910
Ground Floor, 81-95 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000

What if I see an invasive species in a marine park?

The presence of invasive species can be detrimental to our environment, native species and our tourism, seafood and aquaculture industries. Invasive species compete with native species for food and habitat and can alter natural ecosystems. Early detection and monitoring by the community can identify new pests before they can establish in South Australia. Many successful pest eradication and control programs are the result of community members reporting new pest species. A list of aquatic pest species can be found at

Pest species can be reported via: