Pilot working groups (2009)

The Marine Parks Act 2007 states that there should be consultation on proclaimed marine park outer boundaries before management plans with zoning are developed.

In accordance with the Act, the State Government released the provisional outer boundaries for 19 marine parks on 29 January 2009 for an eight-week period of public comment.

To assist with the consultation process, the Minister for Environment and Conservation established three pilot working groups in April 2009. Each group included representatives from the following sectors:

  • seafood
  • conservation
  • recreational fishing
  • local government.

All members were nominated by the various sectors.

The groups were supported by the then DENR and the Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA.

The groups were asked to provide advice to the Minister on outer boundaries and indicative zoning arrangements in relation to five marine parks (parks 1, 2, 6, 18 and 19).

The Minister also received advice from the Marine Parks Council of South Australia and from the Scientific Working Group set up to give him independent advice on marine parks as well as hundreds of submissions.

Please find listed below a summary of the work completed by the working groups: