Draft zoning consultation 2012

In November 2012 the South Australian Government finalised the establishment phase for the State’s marine parks network, including the development of 19 management plans setting out multiple-use zoning and strategies for park management.

This milestone achievement marked the culmination of an extensive public consultation process dating back to 2001. The final opportunity for the public to inform the process occurred between 26 August and 22 October 2012, in which the Government conducted an eight-week state-wide public consultation process for the 19 marine park draft management plans. A total of 8,649 written submissions were received from individuals and organisations. These were analysed and formed the basis for a summary of submissions report.

The Marine Parks Council of South Australia also considered the draft management plans and provided this advice to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation.

Data collected in 2010 from the South Australian Marine Park Information Tool (SAMPIT) to locate high use fishing areas, along with the final sanctuary zones, can be found on the maps for each marine park below:

A brief outline of the consultation actions undertaken by the Government in relation to marine park draft management plans and a summary of changes to zoning and management strategies arising from the advice received through the 2012 public consultation process is also available.