Evaluation and reporting

The Marine Parks Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Program has been implemented to measure the effectiveness of each management plan in achieving the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007. It informs the adaptive management of marine parks and is designed to inform the statutory 10-year review of the management plans.

The document, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework – Marine Parks Program , outlines the key steps required to deliver the MER Program including the six evaluation questions. These questions provide the basis for the statutory review of the management plans and were developed from the 6 Objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007.

A critical component of the MER Program is the MER Plan which outlines the ‘why, what, where, and when’ of key information to be collected, evaluated and reported. The MER Plan should be used to guide ongoing implementation plans for the MER Program and encourage further partnerships and collaborations.

It is important that the data and information collected through the monitoring program as well as the evaluation are communicated appropriately and in a timely manner.

Marine Parks Status Report – The first 5 years (2012-2017)

The first major progress report for South Australia’s Marine Parks Network along with the associated Summary Report have been released. The Marine Parks Status Report assesses the progress of the marine parks program since implementation of the 19 management plans in November 2012. The report covers the period between 2012 and 2017. The Report also informs the ongoing adaptive management of marine parks and will contribute to the legislated 10-year review of the management plans. It includes background information on the marine parks monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) program, a summary of marine parks budget expenditure, a summary of program activities, and a summary of trends and early outcomes from ongoing ecological and socio-economic monitoring. The Summary Report highlights the key findings from the Status Report.

Incorporated into the Status Report are 11 case studies, which showcase key findings and activities from the marine parks program over the past 5 years, these case studies have been developed into a series of fact sheets.

Marine Parks Progress Summary 2012-2016

The first of our progress updates, the Marine Parks Progress Summary 2012-2016, shows a snapshot of monitoring activities and some early results generated since the implementation of marine parks.

Baseline reports for South Australia’s 19 marine parks

A series of baseline reports for each of South Australia’s 19 marine parks and the statewide network has been prepared to inform the state's marine parks monitoring, evaluation and reporting program.

What’s in each report?

Each report provides information and descriptions for six components needed for a robust monitoring, evaluation and reporting program, including;
  • ecological values (e.g. abundance and diversity of habitats and species)
  • socio-economic values (e.g. tourism, industry, community use)
  • physical drivers (e.g. water currents, temperature)
  • socio-economic drivers (e.g. the price of fish, the cost of fuel)
  • pressures on ecological values (e.g. coastal pollution, resource extraction)
  • marine park management plans (what pressures are relieved and what changes might occur as a result of these plans).

Why are they important?

Baseline reports provide an invaluable snapshot in time so we can measure changes into the future.

The reports outline predictions of change to ecological and socio-economic values that might occur due to the marine park management plans, and also present a range of potential indicators that could be used to track these changes.

Accessing the reports

To access these full reports go to Enviro Data SA.

Regional impact assessment statements (RIAS)

On the 1 October 2015 a Regional impact assessment statement (RIAS) was released for Ceduna, Kangaroo Island and Port Wakefield which investigated any economic or social impacts resulting from the introduction of sanctuary zones in those areas.

Access to information

DEW is committed to the Government’s Open Data policy. All technical reports relating to the program will be made publically available and accessible free online. Data and information associated with the reports will also be publically available and, wherever practical, be accessible on online and/or available upon request.

The marine parks website provides information assisting the public to understand the foundations of marine parks. EnviroData SA, NatureMaps and the SA Government’s data access portal, also provides public access to data, metadata, technical reports and policy documents relevant to marine parks.